Changing Partner selling behavior can be challenging

As lock-down restrictions are easing around the world, many business owners and managers are wondering how to ensure that their re-openings are successful.

Motivating your partners and their sellers  can increase sell out, drive demand, establish customer loyalty and strengthen sales channel partnerships. In this video we will share our insights about which incentive program works best for different partners. Whether you’re a vendor or a distributor, just one program can’t provide a solution to address all opportunities and market variables.

You may be dealing with thousands of resellers or tens of resellers, and you can’t motivate them all in the same way.

The success of your incentive program depends on the right alignment between your target and your partners’ needs.  You can tailor your incentive program to drive the right changing partner selling behavior.

Indirect sales: motivating the unknown soldier

In this video we would like to share our insights and experience on how to increase motivation in the  sales channel:

It is widely accepted that incentive programs are one of the most impactful ways to motivate a sales force, especially if they are indirect salespeople, not under your direct control.

A well-designed and delivered incentive program can allow you to reach, connect, engage, reward, manage, and track sales for indirect Partners and their sales people. Whether those partners are dealers, Value Added Resellers, contractors, retailers or corporate resellers, they all need a structured consistent support to motivate them to sell your product or services.

The indirect sales channel: pleasure or pain?

If you are a vendor or distributor of goods or services, you are certain to rely on your channel partners to grow sales.
Your channel sales partners are one of your greatest assets. Not only do they provide a valuable service, but their support and collaboration help to build and maintain your business in the marketplace. So the question is how can you build and maintain the relationship with your partners and how do you convert this relationship into increased sales?